
Vince Mack
Jun 8, 2021
How Do We Approach the Throne of God?
There are thousands of religions in the world today, and all of them have their own beliefs and opinions about God and how people should...

Vince Mack
Jun 2, 2021
Finding True Happiness
As with so many things, the world has taken the true meaning of real happiness and distorted it. Society tells us that the way to find...

Vince Mack
May 26, 2021
Our Godly Actions Make A Huge Difference
Proverbs 16:18(NIV) says, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” A haughty spirit is what we refer to in common...

Vince Mack
May 18, 2021
As the Spirit Gave Utterance
God tells us in His Word that He created us in His own image. He created us to be self-governing, thinking, feeling, and speaking beings...

Vince Mack
May 15, 2021
God’s Loyalty Never Ends
Our Heavenly Father is dedicated to our spiritual growth in the Lord Jesus Christ. This means that He desires us to imitate the nature of...

Vince Mack
May 6, 2021
Walking in the Power and Authority of God
Jesus Christ was speaking to Simon Peter, one of his disciples, and in Luke 22:31(NKJV), he said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked...

Vince Mack
Apr 28, 2021
Talking with God
According to a national survey, the amount of people experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation have reached an all-time high....

Vince Mack
Apr 22, 2021
Stick to God’s Agenda
We know that God very definitely has a plan. It is an astonishing thing to know this, that there is a plan set in motion for each of us....

Vince Mack
Apr 14, 2021
Rescued from the Law’s Curse
Our Heavenly Father is a covenant God. Most commonly, a covenant is a contract, pledge, promise or agreement between two parties....

Vince Mack
Apr 7, 2021
God’s Resurrection Power
Henry lost his mother just before he started first grade. He was utterly devastated, but his father, a man who never publicly displayed