
Vince Mack
Nov 6, 2019
Harvest Time
The season of harvest has already begun. Every year we begin celebrating this season and for many people, it is a favorite time of year....

Vince Mack
Oct 31, 2019
God Extraordinary Grace
The Book of Acts gives us the record of the Apostle Paul’s conversion. He was formally known as Saul before his name was changed to Paul....

Vince Mack
Oct 22, 2019
The Strong Cord
No one can argue that technological advances have set an unprecedented pace for our society. Things move rapidly, so much so that...

Vince Mack
Oct 15, 2019
God Never Changes
I had a deep conversation with a Christian friend, and she was having a hard time understanding why life is so challenging for really...

Vince Mack
Oct 8, 2019
A Seasonal Perspective
We're entering a time of year where many of us become consumed with the holidays and seasonal festivities. It is very easy to get caught...

Vince Mack
Oct 1, 2019
The Greatest Adventure on Earth
My buddy, Benjamin, was the kind of guy that everyone expected to succeed. Throughout his high-school and college career, he was top of...

Vince Mack
Sep 25, 2019
Build Something Beautiful
Ephesians 3:20(ESV) states, “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at...

Vince Mack
Sep 17, 2019
Laboring for God
Economies all over the globe are full of family businesses. These enterprises are influenced by generations that are members of one...

Vince Mack
Sep 9, 2019
The Journey to the Light
There was a time not long ago when I had so much on my back that I didn’t know how I was going to handle it all. Everything seemed to be...

Vince Mack
Sep 2, 2019
Our Perfect Savior!
Luke 2:22-23(NLT) says, “Then it was time for their purification offering, as required by the law of Moses after the birth of a child; so...