
Vince Mack
Jul 23, 2018
Order My Steps
Have you ever been lost in a place that was completely foreign to you? Very little is more discombobulating than this. You’re struggling...

Vince Mack
Jul 16, 2018
First Change Your Mind, Your Condition Will Follow
It’s a beautiful thing to get up every morning excited about what the new day will bring. If you enjoy what you do for a living, it’s the...

Vince Mack
Jul 5, 2018
Take It by Faith!
In Deuteronomy 31, God’s Word tells us that Moses died, and it was a time of great mourning for God’s people. They had been enslaved by...

Vince Mack
Jun 26, 2018
Transforming Your “I Can’t” into “I Can”
Sometimes we forget that God has empowered us in a major way. It slips our minds that it is He who empowers us to do everything, from sun...

Vince Mack
Jun 20, 2018
Test, Trials, and Temptations
We are on the earth for a purpose. We are here to carry forth God's plan, and He has empowered us to do so under the authority of Jesus...

Vince Mack
Jun 11, 2018
Stand in Faith, Don’t Go with the Flow
Going with the flow is what most people do, and it doesn’t take much mental and emotional discipline to live this way. A ‘take it as it...

Vince Mack
Jun 4, 2018
When it’s Time to Make a Shift
As born again Christians, we should always be evolving, bringing our minds and hearts closer to our true identity in Christ. Ephesians...

Vince Mack
May 29, 2018
Our Hope Must Be Anchored in God
Heavenly Father designed life to teach us the lessons we need most, but they are not always easy. Sometimes we don’t want to learn them....

Vince Mack
May 22, 2018
The Gift of a Godly Woman
After the Lord created Adam, the first man, Genesis 2:18 (NLT) tells us, “Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be...

Vince Mack
May 14, 2018
You Are the Light of Christ!
Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt the darkness present? Have you noticed that some people seem to naturally gravitate...