
Vince Mack
Feb 26, 2018
God’s Instruction Concerning Humility
Sometimes we forget that the example of Jesus Christ teaches us how to be strong men that are full of wisdom, character, and confidence....

Vince Mack
Feb 20, 2018
The Sacrifice of Christ
God tells us in Proverbs 4:7(NKJV) “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.”...

Vince Mack
Feb 12, 2018
The Real Deal
The excitement my friends had when their team recently won the football championship was through the roof. I can’t believe how everything...

Vince Mack
Feb 5, 2018
Strengthening Ourselves in the Lord
It should be no secret to anyone that we’re living in the last days. We don’t know when our precious and powerful Lord will crack the...

Vince Mack
Jan 29, 2018
A Revelation of God’s Love
God desires that we continually go higher in life. He doesn’t ever want us to falter or regress. There are many people that don’t believe...

Vince Mack
Jan 22, 2018
Rooted and Grounded in Christ
My grandmother says that every generation becomes wiser but weaker, and my mother and aunts often talk about how different my generation...

Vince Mack
Jan 15, 2018
When Your Tank is Running on Empty
If you love your car half-way as much as I love mine, you know when there’s even the smallest thing that’s not quite right with it. That...

Vince Mack
Jan 8, 2018
NEW Year, NEW Hopes, NEW Thoughts,NEW Challenges
Nothing in life stays the same, and we shouldn’t expect it to. God designed life in such a way that it thrives from growth, increase,...

Vince Mack
Jan 1, 2018
God Will Not Let Us Stumble
I had a conversation with my buddy, Jason, the other day, and it really got me thinking a lot about what it means to be grounded. Jason...

Vince Mack
Dec 26, 2017
When the Wise Things Seems Foolish
In Acts 8, the Apostle Philip was led by the Holy Spirit to change directions and turn his attention to an Ethiopian government official....