
Vince Mack
Dec 18, 2017
Getting Over Mistakes of the Past
The definition of a mistake is “an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong.” When you look up the word, you see synonyms like...

Vince Mack
Dec 11, 2017
Strengthing Your Faith
We cannot please our Heavenly Father without having faith. He tells us this in Hebrews 11:6. It says that it is impossible to please God...

Vince Mack
Dec 4, 2017
Run Your Race
Last week, we were inspired to share “Letting the Holy Spirit Lead You.” Being guided by the Spirit is a pivotal aspect of spiritual...

Vince Mack
Nov 27, 2017
Letting the Holy Spirit Lead You
Along with God, our Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, the Holy Spirit is a member of the Holy Trinity. He is more...

Vince Mack
Nov 20, 2017
Focus on God
The love of God is something that we sometimes take for granted. To put it in perspective, let’s use a romantic couple for example. When...

Vince Mack
Nov 13, 2017
Discerning God’s Divine Directive
Abraham is known as our father of believing. Romans 4:21 tells us that he was fully persuaded that God was willing and able to perform...

Vince Mack
Nov 6, 2017
God’s Faithfulness
You’ve no doubt heard it said that information is power, but in truth, only the right information leads to power. It gives us a basis for...

Vince Mack
Oct 30, 2017
Be Courageous
The definition of courage is the mental or moral strength to persevere, endure hardship, or do something difficult despite our fears. Its...

Vince Mack
Oct 23, 2017
What’s in Your Heart
Each one of us has something in our lives that we struggle with. We don’t always do the things we’re supposed to do. There are attitudes...

V.J. Mack
Oct 16, 2017
Live With Joy
God wants us is to live with joy. We will often think of joy as merely a feeling, but Galatians 5:22 tells us that joy is a fruit of the...