It should come as no surprise that when navigating through life, there are some hurdles and obstacles that seem to hinder you from success. From maneuvering around a college campus, finishing tasks at work, and communicating with your friends; all of it can sometimes come as a burden when trying to remain Christ like. It comes as no exception for me, especially since all three of these activities are apart of my daily life. Yet, with strong prayer, help from my Heavenly Father, and the guidance of the in dwelling Holy Spirit, these burdens become light as a feather.
Everyone has a morning routine, whether it consists of brushing your teeth first, then washing your face, and getting dressed or which ever order your prefer. But how many of you fellow readers remember to invite the Holy Spirit into your lives? Yes, I mean actually opening up your arms and letting the Holy Spirit have Its ways with you. Let him guide your foots steps and tell you where to go and how to get there. Each day we go through out our days struggling with obstacles that seem to be to big to get over. But, with the Holy Spirit in control, these earthly obstacles are mere rocks in the road.
The Holy Spirit is the key in keeping us in the will of father. He is our keeper, our guider, our translator; the Holy Spirit is the one that helps us when we feel overwhelmed. Think about it, while Jesus Christ was on the earth and communing with the twelve disciples, He was there sufficiency. He guided them into being more Christ like and taught them the word. Which is why when he left, the twelve disciples where heart broken. But, Christ left them with something better, he left them with the in dweling Holy Spirit. From the joy of having such an dynamite thing they all began to speak in tongues. That power that the twelve disciples has belongs to you and I. We can walk in that power, that power can guide us.
Jesus Christ didn't teach weaklings, he taught strong men of God to walk in righteousness, he taught them to walk in his word. The Holy Spirit guides us to do the same thing. He guides and instructs you on how to walk according to gods plan. We must remember there is only one of us. God specifically created each one of us to carry out a specific task. Letting the Holy Spirit guide you could only make that mission come to fruition.