Merriam dictionary defines companionship as “the good feeling that comes from being with someone else.” God created us to have companionship. Looking throughout the bible, it’s a continuous aspect that God reveals throughout. He made Adam and Eve two separate individuals because Adam became lonely. Of course, Adam had God to commune with every day, but he wanted someone to talk to, someone that would be with him all the time. When Jesus was of age and began his ministry, he had companionship with his disciples. Although it was more of a teacher and student relationship, they were his friends, whom he loved and conversed with. Mary had Joseph, Abraham had Sarah, and throughout the bible you see many other relationships, so it is safe to say that one of the lessons in life is to build relationships with people.
When building a relationship with someone, you must use caution. As Christians, we can’t just build a relationship with anyone, we must be careful about who we let into our lives, because our relationships with other people can affect our relationship with God; case and point, Adam and Eve. Just like choosing your spouse, a lot of people have a checklist of things that they would want him or her to have. This same principle should be applied to other people that you might let into your life as well. Before creating friendships, we should pray first, then observe people with our spiritual eyes.
As we mature throughout our Christian Journey, we grow to learn about how important our faith in Jesus Christ is, and what having faith can do for us. We come to the realization that we have nothing to fear, and that faith in God can provide everything that we need; we can place all our troubles on God, and He will take care of them. When there’s someone in your life that doesn’t have faith as you do, you can see how this would be a problem.
It should come as no surprise that people come with baggage. We all have it, but just how much baggage from someone else are you willing to take?
As fellow Christians our baggage is light and care free because we learn to put our troubles in the lord, but others may not have come to this realization. Their baggage might be heavy and burdensome; and we can’t fix it. I’m not saying to turn them away, but what I am saying is that before embarking on building anything, you should seek the Father first. Pray and ask God what you should do for this person, whether you should pray for them and love them from afar, or whether it would be safe to have them in your life.
The Father is all knowing, all powerful, and all truth, so let Him guide you in your footsteps. Let Him answer your questions when you need wisdom. Just as you would pray to Him before jumping into marriage, pray to Him about starting new friendships as well. We don’t want to allow someone into our lives that will obscure our peace and serenity, and disrupt the relationship we have with our Heavenly Father. Therefore, no matter how big or small the relationship is, we have to pray over it. We must make sure that we our making the right decisions about the people we are letting into our lives.