Psalm 27:14 (NLT) instructs us to “Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” At one point or another, we all have had times where we’ve desperately prayed for something to come into fruition. Yet with all the prayers we have prayed, we still haven’t received what we have been praying about, or we think that it is taking too long to come to pass. For some Christians, this might be a major blow to their faith, but the key is to remember that God is all knowing and all-powerful. He has predestined you. God knows what you need even before you need it.
Yes, prayer and faith are the powerful ingredients to achieving what we want and need in life. However, we can’t forget that God is all knowing. He knows the situations that we are going to face in the future. Sometimes when we pray for something, it’s true what they say, it might not come when you want it, but rest assured that God will make sure it’s going to come when you need it.
Don’t Loose Faith
While we are waiting for God to answer our prayers, some of us become impatient. Our desires can take a bit of time to manifest. These can be some of the hardest periods to go through. It is during this season that the enemy tries to take us off focus, so that our faith isn’t as steady as it could be. As God’s children, we need to keep reminding ourselves of God’s provision. He has made sure that we are equipped to face the hardships of life. Therefore, when we pray for something to happen, and its not happening right away. We can have confidence that God is waiting for the most opportune time to bless us.
Don’t doubt that God wants you to enjoy life
Not only does God bless us with what we need, but also He blesses with what we want and more. When our prayer requests don’t materialize on our time schedule, some of us think that we might be wanting too much. We might even think we are being a little on the greedy side. Jesus Christ said in John 10:10 that he came to make a more than abundant life available to us. God wants us to enjoy the things that we want out of life. He wants to bless us with beautiful and magnificent things.
God exceeds our expectations We are born to have an amazing life, to use our faith to acquire what we want and need. God is hearing your prayers, and is preparing something better for you. Ephesians 3:20 (KJV) says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” God operates in the exceedingly abundantly. He goes way above anything that you or I could ask or think. So God will exceed our expectations.
Think of how your desires will bless others
During the time that we are praying and waiting, God is preparing us to receive the blessing we are asking for. You might think, “Why do I need to be prepared to receive?” We serve a God that is loving and kind. All of His blessings are bestowed upon us with others in mind. Sometimes we are very selfish in our desires, but God doesn’t think this way. He thinks about how His blessings can bless us and all the lives that we will impact. So during the times of wait, we need to be learning how we can give and be a blessing to others.
God looks for us to have enough love in our hearts that when we pray for our desires and needs, we will also pray for the needs of others. He wants us to think about how the things we desire can be used to bless them. For instance, if you are praying for a new car, it would please God for you to also have an intention to bless your family in some way with it.
When we give out of God’s love, this comes back to us. Jesus Christ said in Luke 6:38 (NLT) “Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full--pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”
Don’t put a time limit on God’s Blessing
When praying to God for things to come into fruition, don’t give Him a time limit. Let Him know what you need, or what you are going through, and He will take of the rest. Again, God knows how to bless us, and He also knows when to bless. Our responsibility is simply to remain faithful and patient. Psalm 27:14 (NLT) instructs us to “Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.”
New Living Translation (NLT)
Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.