As Christians, God ordained us with more power than we can imagine. We are multifaceted individuals—able to call things into existence, speak God’s life-changing Word into the lives of others, and change no’s to yes’s. We can do all of these things because of our wonderful Heavenly Father, and because of the faith that we have received through Jesus Christ, our powerful Lord and Savior.
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT) proclaims, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” We are believers of Jesus Christ. This means that we leave certain qualities behind as we embrace the qualities that have his stamp on them. Jesus will not come inside our heads and swipe out bad thoughts for good ones. He will not come into our hearts and exchange negative feelings and attitudes with positive ones. Our commitment to Christ means that we will give our lives in pursuit of the qualities and lifestyle that please the Father.
We have been made a new person in Jesus Christ, but this does not mean that God will override our free wills. In His Word, He tells us what we should do. If God tells us to do something, we should know that He has also empowered us to get it done. You and I can unlock the potential that God has given us and execute it in our daily lives.
While Jesus Christ was on earth, he accomplished many miracles. He healed the sick, restored sight to the blind, prophesied, and taught anyone who would hear his message of the Kingdom. He cast out demons, and even fed thousands with five loaves of bread and two fish. He did all of this through the power of the Holy Spirit. When he ascended into heaven and made the Holy Spirit available to us, he did it so that we, his brothers and sisters, would receive the same power that he had.
The Holy Spirit is a person. He is more real than you and I. He lives inside the new person that we have become in Christ. He is not only our advocate, but he is our friend, teacher, and guide. He helps us navigate through life. So the greatest thing that you and I can do is to get to know the Holy Spirit intimately. We need to learn to recognize his voice. We need to feel his presence, and we need to hear from him before we make any life decisions.
Some of us live our lives day by day and we give no thought to the Holy Spirit. This grieves him. We become complacent with our circumstances and accept the word of man rather than the word of GOD. Listen, we have to turn this around. We have to make growing in the Spirit a priority, because this is the only way to grow in faith and most importantly, it is the only way to grow closer to God.
Heavenly Father wants us to learn to stand strong in Him. We come to Him as babies, but He does not want us to remain babies. He expects that we will grow up in Christ, to stake our claim as more than conquerors. He expects that we will learn how to exercise our faith and turn everything to our favor by allowing Him to work in and through us. God will lift us up and promote us, but we also have to be committed to pray powerfully and live faithfully.
The power to do extraordinary things lies in each of us. Don’t let a lack of faith keep you from unlocking your true potential. Daily life is filled with hurdles, but this lets us know that we are still amongst the living. We can knock down any hurdle when we allow ourselves to be led by the Holy Spirit. So commit yourself to establish a better relationship with God by following the example of Christ, studying God’s Word more, and by getting better acquainted with the person of the Holy Spirit. When you do these things, you will unlock your true potential and become the person that God wants you to be.