Hebrews 4:12(NLT) says, “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” God’s Word is alive! It is more than ink and paper. It quickens us. This means that it has an impact internally that you and I are not able to quantify. We can’t see exactly how it transforms us, but God sees and knows. He created us in such a way that our minds and hearts will expand, increase, and mature in Christ as we digest and comprehend the truth. When this truth becomes a part of us, we begin to capture our destinies and become the people God intends us to be. Right this very moment, there’s a distance between you and your next destiny move. This distance is bridged by a piece of knowledge that you’ve not yet heard or processed. It’s a really good idea to begin to search it out. 1Corinthians 14:33 tells us that God is not the author of confusion and chaos but of peace. He loves order, and everything He has created has His order woven in it. As human-beings, we can be very messy in every sense of the word, but this is by our choice. God has given us a way through Jesus Christ to order our lives, so they are in alignment with His agenda. Psalm 37:23 says that the steps of a good person are ordered by the Lord, and the Lord takes great pleasure in establishing this person. When we understand what God wants for and from us, and begin to pursue Him, we will allow His Word to order our steps. Quite simply, He orders our steps through His Word! For many of us, our frustration level has reached an all time high. God has not left us alone. He’s with us, and there’s a Word from heaven that will bring us closer to the blessing we need in our lives. Many of us have an expectation that God will deliver it wrapped up in a nice little bow. While this Word will certainly be a revelation that exceeds our expectation, it doesn’t always come as easy as we’d like. Jesus Christ told us in Matthew 6:33 that we’re to seek the Lord’s righteousness and kingdom first. To seek requires as aspect of diligence that many of us haven’t yet applied to the things of the Kingdom. We’ll chase down worldly things, but many of us won’t apply the same diligence in our spiritual lives. Heavenly Father wants us to understand that our responsibility to be all that He’s called us to be isn’t child’s play. It’s nothing to toy with. In Luke 14:27, Jesus made it very clear that if we’re not willing to pick up our own crosses and follow him, we can’t be his disciples. In other words, there’s a cost associated with following Christ, and we had better consider it so that we know what we’re getting into. The rewards of being a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ are extraordinarily precious, but there are sacrifices to be made as well. And this seeking business is no joke. Our God is God all by Himself. He doesn’t need anything from anyone to make Him more than what He is. He is Holy, a quality that is His and His alone; and make no mistake, He is worthy to be sought. He is worthy to be praised. Anything glorious deserves glory, and our God deserves the highest glory and praise there is. It is this posture that is required of us as His children. It conveys that we know who He is, and we know who we are through His Son, Jesus Christ! Act 17:26-27(NLT) says, “And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;” God has preappointed the time of our births. He chose us for such a time as this. Each of us is a part of His plan. And what does He tell us to do? He said “Seek me, to know my deep secrets. Seek me to know your purpose. Grope for me! I’m not far, but you must put aside all the worldly voices and chatter. Seek until you find Me. You deserve my full attention, and I deserve yours as well.” We need to know Christ on a deeper level and should be praying that God will open up a Word of revelation to us. We need His divine direction and guidance. This is truly the feast we’re hungering for. It could be that we’re on a completely different track than the one that is destined for us. To switch gears isn’t easy, because usually something must change internally so that our desires are switched on to God and switched off to the world. When we understand this and proceed to surrender fully to the Lord, our prayers will change, and we will get into position to receive the razor-sharp Word we need.■ Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. “The WORD You Desperately Need”, written by Vince Mack. Blessing Beads and More© 2019. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.